Thursday, February 17, 2011

Apoptosis or Necrosis?

Assalamua'laikum and salam sejahtera,

First of all, today's topic is not emphasizing on cellular death/apoptosis/necrosis but rather the green component of the mother nature, also known as plants and to be exact land grass in USMKK. Have a look at these images...

I thought I was in Sahara(ops, not Sahara, I mean Africa), on second sight my foot actually stepping on USMKK 'multi-purpose' field

Most of the green view had turned light chocolate, chocolate!?

I wonder why they could wither like that?

Anyway, my differential diagnosis would be normal environment cycle event, or the rain hasn't show up recently or could it be excessive amount of usage? Well, though I can't really tell the true reason lies behind this phenomenon, of course it's beyond my knowledge also, but nothing happen in this world without any significant meaning.

Well, that's all for now. Wassalam.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Assalamua'laikum and salam sejahtera,

Wanna know an interesting fact? Here...


Is it coincidence? As far as I concern, "In politics there no such things as coincidence". This form of list was deduce by the historian. I find this is interesting, that's why I made it into posted.

Anyway, they are the Prime Minister of Malaysia who contribute a lot to this country. I'm proud of them. 

12 Rabiu'l Awal

Assalamua'laikum dan salam sejahtera,

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

4 is the limit!

Assalamua'laikum and salam sejahtera,

Oral Anatomy, Histology and Embryology; Applied Dental Materials; Panduan Pergigian Operatif; Dental Assisting Instrument Guide

Back from library with these four books in my hands, borrow  them for upcoming dental conservative examination. The question is, will I read them? +_+ Oh, I almost forgot, four are my limit as (an undergraduate?) a student to borrow books from Perpustakaan Hamdan Tahir(PHT). All dental books, no medic one...

That's all, see ya! Wassalam.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Scene : Simple Underwater, Software : Photoshop CS3

Assalamua'laikum and salam sejahtera,

'Simple Underwater Scene in Photoshop-abduzeedo'

At first sight, I'm totally unsatisfied with the outcome. But, when I open the saved file in the format of jpeg, I'm being impress by the outcome itself. Though its similarity with the tutorial one in abduzeedo(again, credits to abduzeedo..haha..I mean it..) only by 65%, I'm still satisfy. hehe..Try it out! Its simple, as long as you follow the instructions in the tutorial... 

See ya other time! Wassalam.